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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Making Money Using Internet

This is the million dollar question and believe me people are desperately trying to do just that - make money from traffic generated through social networks like Stumbleupon, Digg, Entrecard etc. So far the general consensus is that social traffic doesn't convert into buyers or at least not very well. In fact, the only meaningful money being made from social traffic is indirect - sites that have managed to attract a large enough audience are able to sell advertising. They make money not from the social traffic but because of the social traffic - advertisers are willing to pay in hopes of attracting the traffic to their product or service.
Most people are familiar with the so called A-List blogs. These blogs for one reason or another have managed to attract tens of thousands of readers or subscribers and are able to sell advertising as a result of their large readership and their blogs subject matter. They post large earnings and this in turn has spawned legions of others trying to duplicate the success of the A List. So is it working? Not really but rather than dissuade people, as I usually do, from following this strategy I want to make a couple of suggestions that can drastically improve your chances of gaining a large enough readership to enable you to make money from advertising.My regular readers know that I myself do not chase social traffic nor do I promote it. Search engine traffic provides me with a good income without requiring all the work necessary in promoting a social site. However, I am always looking for new ways to make money online and if it can be made from social traffic then so be it. The blog you are reading is for better or worse, an Adsense blog. My goal with this blog is to rank well in Google for as many "make money online" terms as I can and earn money from the revenue generated from Adsense. All in all I have been quite successful and make a decent buck - about $100 - $125 a day. My serp rankings generate several thousand visitors a day - most from Google. The funny thing is - I also have a lot of regular readers. Rather astounding in light of the fact that I don't do anything to promote a readership. I don't stumble, digg or bookmark. I avoid forums as much as possible (a huge time sink) and I have never made a YouTube video. In general I DON'T do all the things I see everyone else doing that IS trying to build a readership. So the question is this - why do I have more readers than most of the sites who are trying to get readers? Am I doing something that they (you) aren't?Yes. I'll get to it in a moment...Some of you may think that quality of content has something to do with it and you are right - good content will make people subscribe and keep them coming back. The thing is almost all of you chasing social traffic have quality content. What you are lacking is a means of getting new people to your site. Most of you belong to one or more social groups and are able to build up a few hundred RSS subscribers and even a few hundred links from your friends within the social circles you frequent. Unfortunately you soon run out of new people in the group and everything stalls. No new blood - no new subscribers.The trick to building large readerships is not found in the social networks - it is found in the search engines. The bulk of my readers haven't found me through social networks - I don't use any. Yes, a lot of readers have been sent this way from my online friends but the vast majority of my readers found me while searching for information on Google. Remember I push thousands of people through this site everyday and a few actually stop and read - some end up subscribing. Now I know what you are saying - great if you happen to get search traffic but most of you don't. I want to make two suggestions that will drive search traffic to your social blog and both suggestions are easy to do.I am going to use two blogs as examples. Both these blogs have great content and a small existing fan base. Many of you are in the same position as the sites I am about to look at so apply what I say to your own blog and watch what happens.
Thanx all of you 4 read this Article.

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